Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday!

Today is a big's my niece & nephew's birthday! At one year apart, Kate turns 3 today and William turns 2. I am happy to report that they get to celebrate this bday without a new brother or sister (and instead of laboring in the hospital, Michelle was able to put on an awesome bday party)! While they don't have another sibling to share their bday, I have to wonder...what year will be the year that 'sharing' their bday will be a huge drag? So far, they seem to enjoy sharing the spotlight, but knowing Kate as I do, I think those years are in the not too distant future.

Happy Birthday my little muchkins. Your auntie so wishes she could be with you! I promise to be there next year to celebrate with you! My bday wish for you is that you don't grow up too quickly...especially since your auntie can't be with you as much as she'd like.


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