Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

How totally sweet are these two? Wishing you a sweet Vday with your loved ones.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Welcome Jocelyn!

My new baby niece is here! More pictures to come, but she's beautiful - of course!

Jocelyn Elizabeth Larsen
Born February 2nd, 8pm, San Francisco, CA
8 lbs, 1 oz, 20 inches

Craig, Kirsten and Baby Joss are doing just fine. Leaving the hospital
to go home today. Can't wait to go see her!!! I hope it's sooner rather
than later. Hugs and kisses Baby!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Vintage Mark

Great old photos of Mark! Cycling is clearly a lifelong passion for him. I could have posted some really embarrassing photos of him, but feared that he would retaliate on his blog with some scary pic of me from the 80s or something!

I have MUCH more where this came from (including some classic mullet shots), so if you'd like blackmail material, just shot me an email and name your price!